!!Belle Randall\\Poet & Writer


Updates 2011 to 2013:
-a poem by Belle is included in the anthology "The Open Door,100 Poems 100 Years of Poetry Magazine" (p. 169); 
-Belle's 45 years of correspondence with Thom Gunn are archived at the Bancroft Library at the University of California,Berkeley; 
-two commemorative chapbooks (NFS) ("Thom and Belle: a Constant Friendship" and "The Severist Manifesto") containing pages from the correspondence were published by the Bancroft Library Press (May, 2012);
-Belle's poem "Sinsemilla", with an introduction by Heather McHugh appears in Seattle's underground newspaper, The Stranger ("Performing and Arts" section) on 12/06/12,the day that marijuana became legal in the state of Washington; 
-Belle's friendship with Thom Gunn and their agreement (circa 1963) to treat the LSD experience in poetry (see Gunn's essay "Biography") is explored in Mark Harris' essay Countercultural Intoxication, Chapter 18 of the anthology "West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965-1977" (University of Minnesota Press, 2012)
-"The 'High-Brow Effect": Postmodern Meets Premodern Poetry, a review of "The H.D. Book" by Robert Duncan" appears in "Common Knowledge", Winter, 2013 (Vol. 19, Issue 1) 
-Belle's poem "Critiquing Flowers" appears in "American Arts Quarterly" (Fall, 2012)                                           

[Metrical Poems] \\

[Free Verse Poems] \\

[Thoughts on Poetry]\\

[Poems from "101 Different Ways of Playing Solitaire"]\\

[Poems from "The Orpheus Sedan"]\\

[Poems from "True Love"]\\


[Bio] \\

[Contact] \\


[Common Knowledge, Poetry Editor| http://www.dukeupress.edu/journals/j_editors.php?issn=0961-754X]\\

[more about Common Knowledge|http://cfp.english.upenn.edu/archive/1996-05/0014.html]\\

[for The Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize 2005|http://www.waywiser-press.com/bellerandall.html]\\

["The Coast Starlight," a collection of poems published by David Robert Books in 2010|http://www.davidrobertbooks.com/belle_randall.html]\\

["Berkeley Daze, Berkeley Poets of the Sixties," an anthology|http://www.bigbridge.org/BD-BR.HTM]\\

["Drop Dead Beautiful" (1998); "True Love," (2003) Wood Works Press |http://www.woodworkspress.com/letter.htm]\\

["The Wax Museum" d-Press|http://sonic.net/-rychard/ARCHIVE/order.htm]\\

["101Different Ways of Playing Solitaire," University of Pittsburgh Press, 

["A Gift of Tongues," Copper Canyon Press Anthology|http://search.barne


["The Autopsy of a Friendship, Denise Levertov and Robert Duncan", an essay|http://commonknowledge.dukejournals.org/cgi/reprint/12/1/134.pdf]\\

["Donald Davie and Two Ways Out of Whitman," an essay| http://www.pnreview.co.uk/cgi-bin/scribe?file=/home/pnreview/public_html/members/pnr143/articles/143ar06.txt]\\

["Samuel Menashe: New and Selected Poems," a review|http://www.pnreview.co.uk/cgi-bin/scribe?file=/home/pnreview/public_html/members/pnr170/reviews/170rv04.txt]\\

["Dylan's Visions of Sin," a mini review|http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri-/journals/common_knowledge/v011/11]\\

["Littlewood's Law of Miracles," Introduction to Jack Straw anthology|http://www.jackstraw.org/programs/writers/WritersForum/04/Belle.html]\\

["Having Tea with Blake: Richard Denner"|http://www.bigbridge.org/rdrandall.htm]\\

[Berkeley Daze, Berkeley Poets of the 1960's; includes "The Friends of Luis Garcia," "The Day Bob Dylan Came to Call," and two poems|http://www.bigbridge.org/BD-BR.HTM]\\

More Poems:\\

["American Limbo", CommonSense2|http://commonsense2.com/2008/04/poetry/american-limbo/]\\

[National Endowment for the Arts grant in Poetry 2005-7|http://www.nea.gov/features/Writers/Randall.html]\\

["Dear Reader"|http://commonknowledge.dukejournals.org/cgi/content/citation/10/3/565]\\

["Once Upon A Time" from "Drop Dead Beautiful"|http://www.woodworkspress.com/drop.html]\\

[Clear Cut anthology|http://www.speakeasy.org/~gretchen/clear-cut/contents/BelleRandall.html]\\

["At Spandau" a broadside|http://lopezbooks.com/highlight.php?bn=011113]\\


[interviews Richard Denner |http://www.jackstraw.org/programs/writers/WritersForum/04/Richard.html]\\

[Belle Randall and Richard Denner at Big Bridge|http://www.bigbridge.org/toc.htm]\\


[The Jabberwock, a Caberet, Belle and John Stauber in Berkeley, 1963-5|http://www.chickenonaunicycle.com/Jabberwock%20History.htm]\\

[Poetry magazine archive, correspondance|http://www.poetrymagazine.org/letters/archieletters.html]\\

[The Threepenny Review|http://www.threepennyreview.com/tocs/72_w98.html]\\

[National Endowment for the Arts Literary Panelist, 2006|http://www.nea.gov/grants/recent/disciplines/Lit/07panelists.html]\\

["True Love" (a review) at Open Book, a Poetry Emporium|http://www.openpoetrybooks.com/thegoods/archives/2003_06.html]\\

[Donald Justice Papers|http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/justice/justice5.htm]\\

[Still more links with Richard Denner|http://sonic.net/~rychard/collected/v1index.html]\\

[managed in jsp wiki|http://www.jspwiki.org/]\\

[{Image src='/photos/thom.jpg' height='320' width='204' caption='Thom Gunn photo by Ander Gunn' style='font-size: 200%'}]\\